A major myth I read about regularly is the potential massive contribution of SOCIAL MEDIA to reputation management. (Just about everything commercial about social media is ‘potential’) Let me tell you that Fascebook, Twitter and the like are the LAST PLACE to start to do anything reputation management. You need to take reputation management right out of the online social media space. Why’ because, as has been proved already, travel companies reputations can be dismantled and destroyed by these non-travel social media platforms.
The place to start is with the traveller reviews, notably those on trip Advisor, Expedia, Booking.com and LateRooms.com Figures ranging from 60-90% have been variously quoted in conflicting reports of how many travel shoppers consult with traveller review sites, notably trip Advisor, before making a travel or hotel room purchase decision (by whatever means). Hoteliers, if you are not managing your Trip Advisor and other TPI or review company reviews, not only will no amount of social media activity (as is often suggested by the so called ‘gurus’) make this good, but you are starting in totally the wrong place with ‘non-travel social media’ – as opposed to travel media reputation management and review sites on line. Travel media are not social, they’re commercial – remember this, big time.
Here at Innfinite we recommend ReviewPro as our preferred reputation management partner on line. This tool is fantastic, and a must have in any serious hotelier’s armoury of on line reputation management tools. For a tool such as Review Pro costs a fraction of any social media led attempt to centralise and regulate your on line reputation, and holds a staggering amount of useful management information about your own line reputation and your performance vis a vis your competitive set.
You need to have the mindset that you will listen to your customer segments and strive at all times to provide the service and servicers that they want, not what you want to give them. Differentiate. Have something unique. A reputation management tool like ReviewPro has the information, the travel review history that you need to do this, in a superbly organised, informative, business critical way.